Following the groundbreaking trilogy PERMANENT DESTRUCTION, Naomi Velissariou, together with the Netherlands Chamber Choir, alumni of NKK NXT (the trainee program of the NKK), composer and producer Frank Wienk (Binkbeats), and drummer Jens Bouttery, forms a new musical-theatrical formation: HARDKOOR is a stand-up tragedy concert, a stream of self-consciousness set to techno, trip-hop, and choral music.
An unmarried mother and artist retreats from public life for a year prior to her fortieth birthday. From the standstill of her burnout, she battles against the pressure of time, against the images she tries to escape by conforming or not, and against her excessive self-awareness and self-criticism. Through a personal struggle in language, music, and movement, she paves her way to a shameless existence, where the never-ending search for validation gives way to radical self-love and a not-so-boring balance.
According to Velissariou, a burnout is not a work-related condition but a disease of the entire system, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. Under the motto "never waste a good crisis," she completes the last part of her rehabilitation process in the presence of the audience. At a pace allowed by her body at that moment, she confronts the personal and societal blind spots that brought her to this state: her insecurity as a single mother, the pressure of social media, the disturbed relationship with her body, the cult of growth and self-improvement, the bullshitization of our working life, the commercialization of care, the bankruptcy of the family as the foundation of society, and the constant overstimulation of our brain due to our contemporary way of life.
Velissariou's harsh language, aiming to shatter suffocating human images in a fluent combination of English and Dutch, is interlaced with the mind-bending sound design of Joost Maaskant and Frank Wienk (Binkbeats) in HARDKOOR. Velissariou previously formed the duo PERMANENT DESTRUCTION with Maaskant. Producer Frank Wienk translates their sound into a composition for HARDKOOR that explores the boundaries between acoustic and electronic music. This composition is performed by drummer Jens Bouttery, the Netherlands Chamber Choir in collaboration with NKK NXT alumni. The entire production takes place in a set described by designer Boris Acket as a "brutalist techno temple": a modular installation of light and sound technology, with a special role for the voices of the choir. The costumes consist of high fashion loungewear designed by MAISON the FAUX.
HARDKOOR is a co-production between the Netherlands Chamber Choir and NKK NXT alumni, and Theater Utrecht, by invitation of the Netherlands Chamber Choir.
Netherlands Chamber Choir
Naomi Velissariouconcept, direction, text and performance
Joost Maaskant, Frank Wienk (Binkbeats)composition, musical directing
Jens Boutterydrums, percussion, live electronics
Boris Acketscenography and lighting
Maison the Fauxcostume design
Imre Ploegartistic representation NKK
Béni Csillagrehearser
Tue 25 Feb - 20:00Utrecht - TivoliVredenburg
Wed 26 Feb - 20:00Tilburg - Schouwburg Concertzaal Tilburg
Thu 27 Feb - 20:30Arnhem - Musis & Stadstheater
Wed 05 Mar - 19:30Genk - C-mine
Wed 12 Mar - 20:00Den Haag - HNT Theater aan het Spui
Fri 14 Mar - 20:00Den Bosch - Theater aan de Parade
Tue 18 Mar - 20:30Eindhoven - Parktheater
Thu 20 Mar - 20:30Leeuwarden - Stadsschouwburg de Harmonie
Fri 21 Mar - 20:00Rotterdam - Theater Rotterdam
Thu 27 Mar - 20:15Groningen - SPOT
Tue 01 Apr - 19:30Amsterdam - Internationaal Theater Amsterdam
Wed 02 Apr - 19:30Amsterdam - Internationaal Theater Amsterdam
Fri 04 Apr - 20:00Brugge - MaZ - Cultuurcentrum Brugge